Sunday, January 17, 2010

Truth time.....

Alright, I'll admit it - I've been holding back - a lot. I've been posting a lot of fluff for the past few months or so....mostly because I don't think anyone reads this. And also because I know no one reads this. But if someone happens to stumble upon it, they would read the frivolity of a liar...someone who sugar coats almost every experience that she comes upon. For that, I'm sorry. I've been updating this with pictures that really can be found on my facebook page - and are therefore neither interesting or in high demand. And I haven't written anything with substance. This is a huge mistake on my part.

So here's the truth.

I broke three picture frames last night - so I cried. Chris offered to go and get new ones and I yelled because I didn't want to be alone. Poor guy - he can't win for losing. Crazy thing = I still feel that I acted totally rationally at the time.

Neither one of us has come home to a home cooked meal by the other since.....well, ever. I, therefore, will not be winning housewife of the year. However, I'm pretty sure I'm a shoe-in for the Biggest Shrew award.

Some days, marriage is almost unbearable. I look at Chris and am overwhelmed by the task at hand. How do I please him? When could he ever know how much he means to me???? I yearn for the day when my inner musings can't be likened to those of a somber loser who wears too much eyeliner and listens to Emery as if clinging to dear life. I look forward to the happy musings of someone who has it all - because I do.

I hate when people ask me how marriage life is going - it's the same as single life except now I have someone else to tend to. There are good days - there are tough days - there are boring days - there are brilliant days. Through it all, I hope that we become closer. And to those who insist on asking such a backwards question I say, "Great. Thanks for asking".

PS we're still waiting on all of our wedding pictures - so I can hang them on the wall and break another frame in the process, I'm sure.

1 comment:

  1. I read! Marriage can be really hard at first, but it does get better with time. Our first six months were not so good but after that it got much better. People would ask me the same thing too when we first got married. I never knew how to answer. I didnt want to lie but what was I to say?!

    We've now been married for a year and a half and I still don't have a picture put in the frame everyone signed at our wedding! :-) - Jessica Barr Piche
