Sunday, January 17, 2010

Truth time.....

Alright, I'll admit it - I've been holding back - a lot. I've been posting a lot of fluff for the past few months or so....mostly because I don't think anyone reads this. And also because I know no one reads this. But if someone happens to stumble upon it, they would read the frivolity of a liar...someone who sugar coats almost every experience that she comes upon. For that, I'm sorry. I've been updating this with pictures that really can be found on my facebook page - and are therefore neither interesting or in high demand. And I haven't written anything with substance. This is a huge mistake on my part.

So here's the truth.

I broke three picture frames last night - so I cried. Chris offered to go and get new ones and I yelled because I didn't want to be alone. Poor guy - he can't win for losing. Crazy thing = I still feel that I acted totally rationally at the time.

Neither one of us has come home to a home cooked meal by the other since.....well, ever. I, therefore, will not be winning housewife of the year. However, I'm pretty sure I'm a shoe-in for the Biggest Shrew award.

Some days, marriage is almost unbearable. I look at Chris and am overwhelmed by the task at hand. How do I please him? When could he ever know how much he means to me???? I yearn for the day when my inner musings can't be likened to those of a somber loser who wears too much eyeliner and listens to Emery as if clinging to dear life. I look forward to the happy musings of someone who has it all - because I do.

I hate when people ask me how marriage life is going - it's the same as single life except now I have someone else to tend to. There are good days - there are tough days - there are boring days - there are brilliant days. Through it all, I hope that we become closer. And to those who insist on asking such a backwards question I say, "Great. Thanks for asking".

PS we're still waiting on all of our wedding pictures - so I can hang them on the wall and break another frame in the process, I'm sure.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!

Today marks the beginning of a brand new year. And what a difference a year makes! This time last year we had just gotten engaged - and Chris was still living in La Vergne. Now, we're married and living in our first home together - such a difference! I definitely don't miss the drive to La Vergne!

We spent New Year's Eve with the Hodge side of our family. We celebrated our Christmas with each other. It was a night full of laughter, good food, beer, and presents. Chris and I ended up watching movies until 3:30 this morning - which was just the way we wanted to ring in the new year. Our 2009 holiday season was fantastic - we are looking forward to what this new year will bring. May God bless our friends and family!